





1.mysterious adj 神秘的mystery n 迷,神秘mystify v 使迷惑mysteriously adv 神秘地例句The water is very deep and mysterious looking.水很深,而且看起来很神秘。

积累Mysterious thing,time.Powerful and when meddle with dangerous.时间很神秘,有无穷的力量,乱加干涉时却又很危险。

2.unpredictable adj 不可预知的;出乎意料的;善变的predict v 预言,预测unpredictably adv 无法预测地unpredictability n 难以预测词组unpredictable people人心叵测unpredictable results不可预知的结果例句He is utterly unpredictable.他这个人完全让人琢磨不透。

3.shed light on 阐明例句These discoveries may shed light on the origins of the universe.这些发现会有助于理解宇宙的起源。

4.astronautical engineer 航天工程师例句An astronautical engineer is an expert in the field of space exploration and satellite technology.航天工程师是航天探测和卫星技术领域的专家。

5.urban planner 城市规划者例句The urban planner is responsible for developing comprehensive plans and designs for the use of space within cities.城市规划者负责制定城市内部空间利用的综合规划和设计。

6.neuroscientist n 神经学家neuroscience n 神经科学例句Harvard cognitive neuroscientist Joshua Gireenc says,for most of us,lyingtakes work.哈弗大学认识神经学家乔舒亚 吉伦说,对于我们大多数人来说,撒谎需要努力。

7.a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情例句This,in turn,inevitably means bigger grocery bils for consumers,and greater hardship for the millions in countries where food shortage are a matter of life and death.反过来,这必然意味着消费者要支付更多的食品杂货账单,而在那些食品短缺问题己经关乎生死存亡的国家,这也会导致数百万人将面临更大的困难。

8.parking dilemma 停车困境9.infrastructure n 基础建设,基础设施infrastructural adj 基础建设的例句The key to seamlessness rests in infrastructure and information sharing.无缝的关键在于基础设施和信息共享。

辨析facility 指的是具体的设备或设施,一般是由机构或个人提供的infrastructure 指的是由国家或政府建设的基础设施,比如公路、铁路、银行等10.work on 致力于,从事于,继续工作例句My father works on teaching.我爸爸从事教学工作。

work短语work in 进入,插进work on 致力于,从事于,继续工作,影响work for 效劳为……,工作为……,效力work hard 努力学习,辛勤劳作work together 合作共事,共同工作,扩展资料work out 解决,算出,实现,制定出,消耗完,弄懂work experience 工作经验work as 担任以……身份而工作work at 从事于……,效力于……work efficiency 工作效率,劳动效率,加工效率11.tooth decay 蛀牙,牙齿腐烂,龋齿例句The dentist filled several cavities that were caused by tooth decay.牙医填补了由蛀牙引起的几个蛀洞。

